අපි විස්තරාත්මක රචනා ලියමු - Let's Write Descriptive Essays.
[මෙම පාඩම පසුව සිංහලට පරිවර්තනය කර, පළ කරනු ඇත!]
{This Lesson would be translated into Sinhalese & published later!}
1. My home.
2. The village (or town) in which I live.
3. A book that has pleased me.
4. A street hawker and his wares.
5. A blacksmith’s work.
6. An Indian shop.
7. A mountain (or river) I know.
8. An Indian ship.
9. A railway locomotive.
10. A hot day.
11. Some famous building.
12. An Indian tree.
13. In an Indian market.
14. What I see on my way to school.
15. A railway station.
16. A carpenter's workshop.
17. A bicycle.
18. Some musical instrument.
19. A piece of sugar cane and how it is eaten.
20. Snake charmers and their performance.
21. A Mosque at prayer time.
22. A procession with elephants.
23. A camel and its uses.
24. Evening in a village.
25. A potter’s workshop.
26. The habits of some bird.
27. The monkey or the tiger.
28. The house I live in.
29. Our new neighbours.
30. The rose.
31. My school and why I am proud of it.
32. Describe a class-mate of yours.
33. The Indian policeman.
34. A clever dog.
35. Tea or coffee.
36. Describe some historical picture which has particularly pleased you.
37. A wedding you have attended.
38. Colombo or Kandy or Anuradhapura or Polonnaruwa or Dambulla / Bombay or Calcutta or Delhi or Agra.
39. A wedding procession.
40. A conjurer and his tricks.