ලිපිය - VII - 376

"අධ්‍යාපනය යාවජීව මෙන් ම යාවනිබ්බාන ක්‍රියාවලියකි!"
❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤

ලිපිය - VII - Letter - VII

[මෙම පාඩම පසුව සිංහලට පරිවර්තනය කර, පළ කරනු ඇත!]
{This Lesson would be translated into Sinhalese & published later!}

St. Mary’s School,
Kochchi Cade, 
July 9th, 1939.

My dear Mary,

    What a pity you could not come to the big birthday party at our school yesterday. You would have liked it. The Governor of Manipura sent his fine band, and we had a lot of jolly music. For tea we had cakes and sweets which some ladies brought for us. And after tea we gave a concert. The best things were the dances. I was taking part in a Caravan Dance. We girls were dressed as Persian men and women, and we danced round a fire in the desert. Then the boys had a very amusing dance called a Snake Dance. Some of them were dressed as musicians, with drums and pipes. They looked like Sikhs, with their smart moustaches and beards, and they played and sang really well. The others, about fifteen, formed a great cobra, with its head and hood towering high. Its spotted skin covered the line of boys, and its tail trailed behind. The players made such a noise, and the audience laughed heartily, and at the end they clapped so much that the boys had to do the dance all over again. What a lot you missed !

Your loving friend,

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෴ රාවණ යක්ඛ | මහා රාවණෝපහාර රාවණ පඬුර! ෴

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