Asampoorna Akyathamaya Kriyapada - අසංපූර්ණ ආඛ්යාතමය ක්රියාපද - Verbs of Incomplete Predication.
[මෙම පාඩම පසුව සිංහලට පරිවර්තනය කර, පළ කරනු ඇත!]
{This Lesson would be translated into Sinhalese & published later!}
But there are other intransitive verbs which need some word or words to make complete meaning. Such verbs are called Verbs of Incomplete Predication. The verb To be is the commonest of these. Others are seem, appear, look, become, grow, live, feel, and the passive forms of make, appoint, elect, choose, crown and certain others.
The words They were, He looks, The water became, do not express full meaning. But if we add certain words, the meaning becomes clear. For example: They were wise, He looks tired, The water became
hot. In each of these sentences the completing word, — wise, tired, hot, — is called the Complement.
# Examples.
Breakfast is ready.
We shall be coming.
The sun appears to rise.
He is growing very tall.
America is becoming rich again.
It doesn’t seem right.
My brother was made (chosen, elected) captain.
He was crowned king.
I am not feeling very well.
In these sentences the words in bold are the Complements. The incomplete verb and the complement together form the Predicate.