පදවිභාග වගුව - සරල වාක්‍ය - 310

"අධ්‍යාපනය යාවජීව මෙන් ම යාවනිබ්බාන ක්‍රියාවලියකි!"
❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤

Padawibhaga Waguwa - පදවිභාග වගුව - Tabular Analysis. 

[මෙම පාඩම පසුව සිංහලට පරිවර්තනය කර, පළ කරනු ඇත!]
{This Lesson would be translated into Sinhalese & published later!}


1. The thieves soon carried away all the valuable furniture from the deserted mansion. 

2. In the days of chivalry a perilous adventure was a reward assigned to military bravery. 

3. I made signs to Friday to come forward. 

4. The poor mother was looking worn out.
Simple Subject
1. Thieves
2. Adventure
3. I
4. Mother

Adjuncts To The Subject
1. the
2. a perilous
3. –––
4. the poor

1. carried  away
2. was  (incomplete  predicate)
3. made
4. was looking (incomplete predicate)
Simple Object
1. furniture
2. –––
3. signs (direct) 
to Friday (indirect)
4. –––

Adjuncts To The Objects
1. all the valuable
2. –––
3. –––
4. –––

1. –––
2. a reward assigned to military bravery
3. –––
4. worn out

1. soon (time) 
from the deserted mansion (place)
2. In the days of chivalry (time)
3. to come forward (purpose)
4. –––

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